Welcome to my blog!

I'm Lori and I love to craft. I cross stitch, knit and crochet and anything else that takes my fancy! I love to make amigurumi and other knitted and crocheted characters.
I live in the north east of England and when I'm not busy with thread or wool I love to read thrillers and watch things on the TV that make me laugh. I have a love of tattoos too and have quite a collection!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Ami swap time, a giveaway win and some new makes too

Hello everyone and welcome to my new followers, lovely to meet you :-)

So it's ami swap time again! For those of you who don't know about this, at the end of every month I swap an amigurumi with my lovely friend Steph, if you pop over to her lovely blog she has a giveaway on with lovely dragony prizes!  So there was a theme this month, usually they're just a random surprise, so it was Chinese New Year and the start of the year of the dragon.

Steph sent me these two gorgeous dragons!

How cute is that! The teeny one is a finger puppet and so cute, my kittens are loving playing with that when I put it on my finger :-) The purple one is called Jelly Bean and is knitted from the most fabulous sparkly wool, I love them! Jelly Bean is such a cute lovely thing, look at her wings with sequins....

How cute is that! There was a lovely ball of sock yarn too but I forgot to take a pic of that, lol! Thanks Steph, love my dragons, I think Jelly Bean is one of your best yet :-)

So I sent Steph this Chinese dragon,

He turned out a lot bigger than I'd been expecting! Was fun to make though and Steph likes him :-)

So another fabulous swap as ever, looking forward to next months surprise pressie already! We've been doing this swap for a long time now and it's still as much fun as when we started, I mean it's a present a month for no reason who wouldn't like that, lol!

Also my lovely giveaway prize from Kerry's lovely blog arrived, lots of goodies in the post this week :-) This gorgeous biscornu, I love the thread colours and it's one of my favourite designs too!

and all these lovely goodies, it was impossible to get a pic without Daisy gatecrashing in somehow, she was determined, lol! So pretty coloured bits of aida, two lovely threads, love those colours! Lots of pretty beads and  fab buttons, I love beads and buttons so very happy there. Thanks Kerry for a lovely prize :-)

So onto the makes of the week, there are things I can't show as there's another swap coming up in a week or so but this week I had to make two new mushrooms and a toadstool as they are selling pretty well over on etsy! Oh yes while I remember, I was totally wrong, you can all tell me that and rub it in if you like. A while ago I asked for opinions on the Valentine Cottage with the hearts on the roof as I didn't think it was good enough to sell, you were all lovely and told me it was a good'un and you were right, I've sold four so far. So there, what do I know!

The latest this week are Hyacinth Cottage with French knot hyacinth's around the door...

A new Valentine Cottage to replace a sold one...

and the last I finished off last night. I had an idea for a birthday/celebration type cottage and came up with this, Party Cottage has bunting around the roof and balloons tied either side of the door. What do you think?

Guess it's been a busy week as I also had a custom order for some embroidered hearts with an A on them, so I made these....

I also made two kitty key rings, I'll be making more of these in different colours....

So that's my latest things, hope you like them :-)

See you all soon and I have a giveaway planned as my first blogiversary is coming up on the 19th of February so don't forget to watch for that!

Hope you all have a great week,

Lori xx


Debs M said...

great makes and love those dragons x

cucki said...

i really love the dragons so much..all of them are super sweet..
lovely giveaway gift :)received too..
i love all your makes so much..they all so stunning..
keep well..
hugs for you xx

Nicky said...

You are so talented! The toadstool cottages are adorable, I love the kitty keyrings and the dragon is amazing. Jelly Bean is really cool too. xx

Shannon said...

All of the finished pieces are really wonderful!

Ali said...

Gorgeous - your amiguramis given and recieved are brilliant the detail on them - wow!! congrats on your win - take care xxx

butterfly said...

Love your dragon how sweet,great giveaway gift, love all your toadstools and key rings you are so gifted.
I bet you have been a happy cookie this week.

Jordan said...

All your stuff is beautiful and i can't wait for the giveaway! :) xxx

HillyT said...

What a lovely post, so many pretty things to look at.

Crafty-Laura said...

Gorgeous dragons! Love Jelly Bean, she's soooo cute! I got my swop parcel from Steph today- lots more dragony goodness! She's a star. Love the toadstool houses- of course! Can't wait for mine to arrive :D :D :D Lovely hearts and kitties too. And a beautiful biscornu from Kerry. Looking forward to the giveaway!!

Crafty-Laura said...

Whoops, how could I forget to comment on your dragon for Steph! It's amazing! So detailed! Stunning :)

morikomidori said...

i think all three dragons are magical and the new cottages and kitties are adorable too. i'm going to have start saving my pennies again ;)

wishing you a very lovely imbolc xxx


Nicole said...

That's a really impressive dragon!!!

Lilian said...

I love the dragons they are so sweet. and so well made as well. All the other things you made are great. You are so talented,Hugs

Kerryp77 said...

Wow, gorgeous dragons I love the the one you made, gorgeous. There are some stunning makes there, you're so talented. A forthcoming gotta love blogging!

The Dotty One said...

Ooooh look at all the pretty things! I absolutely love the party toadstool - that bunting is adorable - is it embroidered?
And the dragons (that you made and were given) are fab!

Steph said...

Hello Hello ^_^

There's my dragon looking all fantastic ^_^ he still needs a name. yay! I saw that you'd won Kerry's giveaway ^_^ That is such a beautiful biscornu!
Lovely new mushroom/toadstools! The party one is fab! My new favourite! I do love those kittes. Will you be making some ginger ones!?!
BIG hugs for you

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hello Lori...How lovely to receive a present every month!
Wonderful makes as always...I love your little Valentine Cottage with the pretty...
Hope you have a wonderful crafty week,
Susan x
P.S I have just found you on ETSY!

Annette said...

wow some really lovely things x

faith76 said...

The party cottage toadstool looks fun x
Love the swap goodies you have received and your dragon make is fantastic.

Leah x

Joan said...

that dragon is amazing. To add to all your other awards, i've give you the Versatile Blogger award

millefeuilles said...

Lori, I cannot get enough of your toadstools. They are so beautiful and I just love the fact each one is unique with its own quirks and details. You are so clever. Funnily enough I am embroidering some toadstools just now; karma or what?


Anonymous said...

Wow, those dragons are fantastic! The sequins on the wings are such a lovely touch. And your chinese new year dragon is just perfect, great colours.
I love all your toadstool houses, it's the little details that make them so gorgeous, no wonder they're selling well!

grannie said...

LOVE party cottage! Just too cute!