Welcome to my blog!

I'm Lori and I love to craft. I cross stitch, knit and crochet and anything else that takes my fancy! I love to make amigurumi and other knitted and crocheted characters.
I live in the north east of England and when I'm not busy with thread or wool I love to read thrillers and watch things on the TV that make me laugh. I have a love of tattoos too and have quite a collection!

Saturday 22 September 2012

My name is Lorraine and I'm a useless blogger!

Hello everyone and really sorry I've been AWOL for a while! I see to have had a couple of weeks with no motivation and a basic can't-be-bothered-with-anything feeling. The boyfriend has been off work this week on holiday too so I've been making the most of it and getting him to take me out, as you do!

Anyway, I'm back now and have lots of finishes to show you all :-) So lets see where do I start.....

Oh I've just realised how many pics I haven't shown you since I was last here!! This is my cake stand full of lots of felt cakes, I loved how it looked and sold a few since so need to get felt baking again :-)

These beaded mitts were for me! I saw this pattern on ravelry and decided it was about time I made myself something again and they'll be great for keeping me warm now the weather is cooler.

This is Olly and Pinky his girlfriend :-) I sold Olly at the craft fair last Saturday so I had to make another one as she looked so lonely...

A custom made mushroom for the lovely Steph. Now I admit when Steph asked me for a purple and green one I wasn't too sure about the colours but doesn't it look excellent!!

 It's a witch themed cottage so the broomstick, cat and cauldron are in the garden :-) Thanks Steph for asking me to make this!

While at the craft fair last week I sold the little elf I had on my stall and was asked to make four more too! The order was for a pink elf and three Christmas elves too suitable for hanging on a tree. These are always fun to make and look very sweet!

 Christmas elf 1....


and 3.

Finally a new Party Cottage, this was sold a few weeks ago and I've just finished ff this to replace it,

A close-up of the details......

So that's my makes for the last couple of weeks and I promise to kick myself up the backside and get back on track again with everything in blogland. I don't think I can possibly check every post I've missed from everyone as it would take days but I will be starting again from now, promise :-)

  • Have a lovely week everyone and it's nice to be back again.


the linen cloud said...

Lovely to see you back Lorraine ... lovely makes as always ... have a great weekend ... Bee xx

cucki said...

Hello deary I love everything you make..the mushroom is so sweet and the elf are super cuteee:)
Sending you hugs and love xxx

Ali said...

Hello hun, oh gorgeous makes the halloween mushroom looks fab. Must be something in the air I couldnt be bothered with blogging for a while either :-( or making anything hopefully I'm back in the saddle again - enjoy your weekend xxx

Debs M said...

fabby makes, love the beaded gloves x

Anonymous said...

Love all your makes....especially those beaded gloves, thay're fab! Hope you managed to 're-charge your batteries' while taking a wee break!

catherine said...

Everything looks so fantastic Lori especially those cakes!!. Love the cottages too. Hope you have a good weekend
x catherine

millefeuilles said...

Hello lovely Lori,

It's good to see you back with your pretty fairies, party toadstools - such happy colours you've used for the details - and those divine beaded mittens.

Clever, clever you.


ps I think it's totally normal to have periods of apathy from time to time.

Crafty-Laura said...

Nice to have you back! Love the cakes, they look great on the cake stand. Steph's mushroom house is fab and I think the colours are perfect! Cute octopuses (octopi?!) and I adore those little elves!!! The beaded gloves are stunning. Hope you get back into things very soon, lots of love xxx

StitchyDragon Creates said...

Hope the Blah's leave you soon - hugs xx Looks like you've been pretty busy anyways, glad to see you got to make something for yourself for a change - those beaded mitts look very cosy! LOVE the octopii, Steph's cottage (those colors really zing!), the elves, & of course those yummy cakes :) Hope next week is better for you,
Helen xxxx

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Beautiful cupcakes, toadstools. fairies, elves and the octopus are adorable Lorraine....I love to visit your magical world..and the gloves are fab too (I think you are going to be needing them very's so cold today!)
Happy Sunday!
Susan x

Anonymous said...

Lovely to have you back Lori and such clever makes,love the felt cakes :-) XXXX

Hindustanka said...

i like your crafty staff :) those fairy dolls are so cute!and the mushrooms are lovely too :)great job!

Kerryp77 said...

Hey Lori,
Those gloves are gorgeous. The cakes look fab on the cake stand too. xx

Steph said...

Hallo sweetpea ^_^
Shall I 'oooo and ahh' again!? ^_^ Love everything as you already know especially my gorgeous fantastic house(HUGE hugs again for making it)Love the party one too!Olly and Pinky are very sweet.
Big hugs and much love for you ^_^

Nicole said...

I'd hardly call you a useless blogger with all these amazing creations you're sharing with us :o Your toadstools are cute as ever but I think I might love the felt cupcakes even more! Do they make you hungry? :)

Valma said...

so cute pieces !
Your cupcakes are amazing
and no use to tell that as I was already in love with Olly, so Pinky....
she is superb =D
Great job once again
big hugs

Anonymous said...

Lorraine hai una cura e un amore per quello che realizzi che rende le tue opere straordinarie, io le adoroooo

Stitching Noni said...

Great to see you back showing off more of your gorgeous creations!! I love your elfs & mushrooms :)